HAPPY SOLSTICE dear Light Tribe of Gaia!
It is with great love, honour and respect for you and the part you are playing in our New Earth that I send the message below from my guides. Aside from this guidance, please listen to the
Solstice Gaia – Sun-star Meditation & Message
I am well and happy, reignited onto my path of service as I come to the completion of my Starseed Activation retreat at Casa Solara Ibiza. It has been an amazing journey, as every new journey of exploration and expansion is in these luminous days. From this retreat I gift you with one of the live recorded meditations –
Starseed Soul Star Family Activation Meditation
On a personal note: I have just spent 3 weeks in Normandy assisting my beloved Gino to revamp his home before selling - the house WILL sell this summer, I feel it! And we will thereby be one step closer to manifest our dream of a home and community hub in Portugal ~ Casa Solara Portugal a-go-go! We are concentrating our search in the Algarve at the moment, particularly around the Tavira-Faro area. My guides have stressed that is essential that we buy in an area where others WANT to come live – where the climate is good, the ocean is not too far away and the properties to rent or buy are reasonable prices.
The universe has just assisted by planting a dear Star-sister Yukia in the Algarve, so she can view some properties for me without my having to travel so much. And dear Siriya, my inspirational 82-year old friend whose dream is to plant a permaculture food forest, is already in the Algarve, having spontaneously moved there as soon as I invited her to be part of the project. Visualise that food-forest already planted and growing on our future land – help to make the dream manifest!
I am working on my second book - WE ARE THE AWAKENERS! A Handbook for the New Earth. This will be a synthesis of my teachings from my guides, a book with accompanying recordings that you can use on your own or in a group that meets weekly. It is a very joyful and exciting project – and it also means that you are not so likely to hear from me in the next 2 months while I get my head down and manifest completion before the September equinox!
More news below the message at the end of this newsletter.
Message for the June Solstice 2018
Solstice greetings of love, dear people of Terra. We remind you in this now-moment to pay attention to where your awareness is fixated. You are aware that where ‘attention goes, energy flows’ – and yet many of you continue to focus on illness, pain, lack of abundance, problems in relationships and ecological crisis. When you focus on that which you don’t want, these things increase or amplify.
If you are in physical discomfort of some nature, look beyond that state and visualise yourself totally healed. Take steps that instigate a feeling of TRUST that your body can and will heal itself – for trust dissolves anxiety and fear. Fear-based thoughts and feelings attract more of what you don’t want into your reality - which means that it will be difficult for your body to heal.
Miracles happen every day. Miracle healings, miracle manifestations of abundance; miracles of relationship-healing. It is only necessary to open your consciousness wide enough to BELIEVE that these things are possible, and that you are assisted at all times – if you are open to receiving assistance. Miracles are possible in every now-moment, and there is assistance available at all times. Believe it to be so.
As this Solstice Sun-Earth alignment moves into place, you are immersed in a portal of immense power! This potent portal enables you to manifest miracles. Look away from material gain as a primary motive for any of your actions, and focus within to enquire “How may I be of service in this moment?” As your hearts open to being of service in the co-creation of the New Earth based of love, kindness and cooperation, miracles manifest spontaneously. A new friend is made; collaboration is offered; your body is healed.
This is not to say that you should not desire a life of abundance – not at all dear ones! Abundance is your birthright! But true abundance manifests in the flow of a life lived in service to your tribe. As you move towards embodying love, kindness and cooperation, all your desires will be fulfilled and your life will be filled with friends, love and support. It is the law of LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE.
The Piscean Age with its emphasis on competition, individual success and material gain without conscience, in over. As this 7-day Solstice portal opens, truly embrace the tenets of the Aquarian Age in whose energies you are now immersed. The Time Is Now for your freedom; your emancipation from fear, inhibition and insecurity.
You are re-membering the ways of your ancestors, who lived in cooperation with all living things, mineral, plant, animal and human – where spirit guides and Star-people were accepted and loved – where the human position in relation to the Earth Mother, Sun-Father and the stars was understood as a natural part of life in this galaxy.
From this day, whichever day you read these words, we suggest that you commit to a 7-day period in which you practise the
Meditation of the 7 Sacred Directions.This will realign you with the energies of your planet and redefine your position within the greater whole. When you are able to feel yourself in direct relationship with the directions, you reconnect with a primal inner knowing that you are here to serve Gaia and her people. And So It Is. Namaste.
There are still a couple spaces on my 'Opening to Channel & Multi-dimensional Healing Skills' workshops in September. I don't know how many more of these workshops I will offer as my teachings are changing, so The Time Is Now if this has always been on your wish-list!
Details here.
I am teaching in England again this August! See details of the Glastonbury workshop: 'Avalon Rising ~ Seeing between the Veils'
And finally, there are 9 spaces left on the Peruvian Light-tribe adventure this November - details below. With all my love love love as usual dear Light tribe of Gaia! I hope to meet you all some day!
Solara An-Ra
Frequency Keeper for Gaia
Activating our Multidimensional Blueprint
in Machu Picchu & the Sacred Valley
9 days of Peruvian adventure, practice, guidance & activations
with Solara An-Ra & the Star Councils of Light
5 - 14 November 2018

1,888 euros
Includes: 9 nights accommodation (2 per room), airport pick-up & transfer, 2 meals per day, all internal trains & buses, entrance fees to all sacred sites (including 2 days in Machu Picchu), indigenous guides, tuition & activations with Solara An-Ra, and powerful ceremonies with Q'ero shamans.
Single room supplement US$ 290 (240 euros)
Doesn't include: Flights to Lima, internal flights between Lima to Cusco (where we begin).
Optional San Pedro ceremony on day 4: cost 130 euros (scroll to the end of page)
Specific optional mountain hikes in Machu Piccu (goverment controlled): cost 50 euros
Deposit to reserve your place: 888 euros
Balance 1,000 euros (transfer details will be given)
A 6-month payment plan is possible from June -
November 2018: 315 euros per month. Email Solara!
A Message from the guides: "The sacred places of power are calling those who are consciously on their path of awakening. The time is now to experience the true essence of these temples, rather than experiencing them from the outer 5 senses only. It is time for the reconnection of your codes – those etheric crystalline sacred geometry structures which allow you access into the higher planes of existence simultaneously. This reconnection happens also within your DNA – within the restructuring of your body, which affects the electrical circuitry of not only your nervous system but your geometric Light Body.
Join this pilgrimage with this clear intention – to reawaken your full powers – to reconnect yourself on a multi-dimensional level. That you may see through the veils that have been, that you may awaken to your own power and glory as multi-dimensional being – that you may connect truly with Terra, your Earth planet - and that you may therefore awaken others in this exponential activation which moves like a wave of acceleration across your globe now!"
All international flights to Peru arrive in Lima. We start and end our journey in Cusco, a short internal flight from Lima. I would advise arriving in Cusco 1 or 2 days early if possible to give you time to get used to the high altitude. If you can't, that is also ok :) It is preferable to book the 2 internal flights at the same time as your flight to Lima.
More details here