Solara An-Ra's February 2010 Newsletter
Helloooooo dear tribe of mine! As if I hadn't had enough snow in London this winter there was an epic snow storm in New York while I was there. But a walk through the magic of a totally white Central Park made the pond-like puddles off every curb and the wet socks worth it! More about the trip at the end of the newsletter, after some NEWS!
Manifesting Your Dreams
I'm doing full-day manifesting courses all over the planet this year - in London, Amsterdam, San Francisco and New York! There are still spaces on the first course in London, this Saturday 27th Feb (10 am til 5 pm). To book any manifesting course pay here.

In these workshops you will learn and practice the 'magic technique' I teach, receive the wisdom of the Star Councils about how the universal laws work for us personally, and learn how to recognise and let go of the thought forms that have been holding you back from your perfect happiness. I started my spiritual journey with the realisation that each of us create our own reality in every minute of every moment - and I still believe it is the most fundamental spiritual concept to really understand!

New Free Meditations
I have 2 new meditations on the site for you - the 'Dancing Chakra' Meditation - for when you don't feel like sitting still but still need to connect and balance!
Also my 'Alternate Nostril breathing & Third Eye Meditation' - a perfect introduction to this wonderful technique which balances your left and right brain and awakens your third eye/pineal gland. Both are from my CD 'Dancing into the Light'. Listen to or download them here
Video'd Talk: Solara An-Ra's 7 Step Plan

In this talk I give down-to-Gaia advice on how to keep up with the energy shifts in the lead up to 2012. My experience in working with groups over recent years is that many spiritual warriors are focussing on advanced techniques and concepts around ascension, without a real grasp of what is needed to stay grounded & happy, & to make their lives joyful and productive right here right now!
Watch this 40 minute version of the talk here
Singing Stonehenge Awake: Gaia- and-Tribe Reconnection

I have been asked by my guides to get the maximum number of people possible into Stonehenge, to assist in it's reawakening as a portal. What an exciting project - singing Stonehenge awake...I love my job! I have organised 3 private entrances, and the first, at Beltane, is fully booked. There are still spaces however on the 2 early morning slots for June 11th - 6.15 am and 7.30 am. The 2 groups will ideally be there for both sessions, the one group surrounding the outside while the other is in the stones. We will complete together outside the henge at 8.30 am with breakfast in celebration of our Gaia-and-Tribe-Reconnection! Book here to reserve your place.
USA Trip: Feb 2010
On my first day in Colorado my lovely host Lisa (below left) took me to a friend's stunning home in the mountains, where the combination of jet lag and powerful Shakti energy from the Rocky Mountains made me as high as a kite! The Sun did amazing things in our photos, streaming His rainbow rays down on us to welcome me there.


Our second trip was to a crystal bowl temple where a new friend Kaliram covered me in a silk cloth and played a series of gem crystal bowls into my energy field.
I found myself that first night in a gorgeously aromatic cedar hot-tub on the edge of the snowy mountain, the Pleiades clearly visible above me, watching the full moon rising between the mountain peaks. OM NAMA SHIVA!!!
Location of the future Medicine Wheel in Boulder

While on Cynthia's land I channelled information about a Medicine Wheel that she had already planned to build on her land - and what followed during the Colorado portion of my journey was the invitation from my guides to YOU my dear tribe to make Medicine Wheels across the globe!
We are to build a Light Web of sacred places where we can all celebrate the Equinoxes, Solstices and Triple Dates together all over the world!
I have put instructions on how to build an outdoor Medicine Wheel and also directions on how to lead a ceremony here.
Email me if you are one of the Wheel builders and I will put you on the map!
In St Louis I was greeted by the liveliest bunch of Light Warriors I have ever encountered. I was slightly concerned about entering the thick of the 'Bible Belt', and fully prepared to be on my best behaviour. Was that ever not necessary! They were such a fun group, and the all-day workshop was a hoot! I taught them to swear Solara-style and the enthusiasm with which they embraced Warrior attitude was awesome. The highlight of that leg of my journey was a ceremony at Cahokia Mounds on the morning I left, part of which is recorded for posterity here.

In the New York snow I queued to have my photo taken with these snowmen (discussing the ethics of having pretended we'd made them ourselves) and sympathised with the ducks about the lack of ice skates.

What stays with me about my trip now, more than the mountains and the ceremonies and the snow, was the people I met and the welcome they gave me. It was like meeting 144 long lost friends who love me unconditionally. I thank you all for your kindness and generosity from the bottom of my heart!
Below are some of those who gathered for my New York 'Ascension Now': a joy-filled night indeed!

New York definitely offered the best food of the trip - delicious Italian and Greek meals, not to mention Jewish delis - I'm now on diet and in training for my Peru trip in 2 weeks!
Whether we land up in Machu Picchu or not is up to the Universe, as the rail is not repaired after the mudslides and a replacement road is being built as I write. I absolutely trust that there are no mistakes though, and that we will be where we are meant to be - and a sunrise Equinox ceremony at the Pachamama temple on the floating island of Amantani on Lake Titicaca is not going to disappoint me!
Much love to you all, dear tribe! News from Peru soon!
Love love love, Solara An-Ra, Warrior of the Light