My dearest Light Tribe,
This year of 2019 is one of such tremendous changes and transition – and in my personal reality the amount of shift is HUMONGOUS!!!
On the spiritual/teaching front, my guides are changing – I have a Lyran Higher Self aspect stepping to the forefront alongside my ever-present Pleiadian Higher Self, bringing through a new group with the most remarkable energy! My friend Aleteya sent me the image here, which is so much aligned with the Lyran vibration as I experience it – fierce but soft, loving, power-ful, empowering, dignified, motherly and protective, just like the energy of Sekhmet in Egypt.
If you watched the Facebook lives that I transmitted from Egypt you will have seen the cat-like energy that flowed through me in the last one! It started during the sounding of the Hathors/Arcturians at 47 minutes … and although they didn’t name themselves, the Lyrans were speaking at the end, until I cut them off abruptly at 51.30 minutes because I didn’t know what was happening and I felt out of control lol! If you missed it you can watch here.
My Lyran guide/Higher Self aspect has a message for you right now: -
“You have been, many of you, on the path of emotional mastery – learning to pay attention to the emotions that present themselves – in order to notice where you are out of alignment on your paths, and to self-correct. What we are encouraging you to do now is to feel into every moment that you are experiencing. This is similar to mindfulness as taught in the Buddhist tradition – but beyond this, we wish you to develop your sensory awareness of every moment and experience on an extra-sensory level. So that you start, with practise, to experience your own energy and how it interacts with the energy of all other beings – plant, animal, mineral, crystal and human that you encounter. We will call this energy mastery, and we will teach about this in stages through the live lessons which follow. In delight-ful anticipation of this sharing with you, we bid you farewell.”
The series of live lessons over the next 11 months (leading up to the March Equinox of 2020 will be announced very soon!
And on the home-front, the news is: my beloved Gino and soul-brother Itzak and I are transitioning to Portugal this year!!! We have bought an old farmhouse in the mountains behind Santa Catarina in the Algarve, and will be back and forth between Ibiza & Portugal between June and November, when the move will be complete. Our friend Siriya is already there and about to move into her new house and land near Estoi, where she will finally manifest her vision of a permaculture food forest!
I am continuing to teach in Ibiza – my next retreats/workshops are in June and September 2019 – and the opening of Casa Solara Portugal will be at the March Equinox of 2020! The perfect person has stepped forward to take over guardianship of Casa Solara Ibiza, and the centre will stay as it is – I am leaving everything that holds the portal energy and spiritual purity intact here. It will remain a spiritual Community and Retreat Centre, but with a greater focus on healing, as the new caretaker is a medical doctor who uses alternative medicine and practises to heal critically ill patients. I will introduce her formally later this year.
We will create a portal in Portugal, just as we have in Ibiza – and the guides say that hundreds of people will follow us to settle in the Santa Catarina-Moncarapacho-Estoi-Tavira-Faro-Olhao-Alcoutim area of the Algarve in Portugal. The Time Is Now for the Light Tribe to accumulate in potent, energetically open areas of the globe, so that we can co-create the New Earth together – an Earth based on love, kindness and cooperation. And So It Is!

I am also delighted to invite you to a global Online Retreat where I am interviewed by the delightful Sigrid van Heerwaarden, and where I channel a powerful meditation-activation designed to ACTIVATE YOUR DIVINE ESSENCE – the first time I have channelled a meditation quite like this!
Through your attendance, you will also receive a gift from me which comprises 20% off a week’s bnb stay for 2 people at Casa Solara Ibiza between the 20th July and the 29th August – depending on availability of rooms, as they are getting booked up fast! 😊
Sign up for the free Soul Mastery Retreat which starts on May 13th here!
I am live on the series on May 21st :)
Love love love as always dear Light Tribe!
Solara An-Ra
Frequency Keeper for Gaia