Assist Solara An-Ra in raising the vibration of our tribe!
6 -16 Nov 2019
5-day Crystal-Rainbow Tribe Gathering in Palenque: €888
1,777 euros: 10 nights ~ Pyramids of Teotihuacan -
Villahermosa & the Lemurian Crystal Skull of Comalcalco -
11.11 Crystal-Rainbow Tribe Gathering in Palenque
.jpg) This is a real gathering of the AWAKENING TRIBE ~ those who have chosen to co-create the New Earth based on love, kindness and cooperation. We come together at this crucial juncture to assist and be assisted by our Star-Soul Family.
WE ARE THE AWAKENERS! Our true higher dimensional gifts are in the process of being fully activated ~ we cannot activate our true paths of service without connecting and spending time with our Family of Light.
Our 10-day adventure includes: -
The Time Is Now! Book here.
Below: Our gorgeous jungle-mountain setting for 5 nights in Palenque. We have exclusive use of this boutique hotel so that we are one family sharing together without disturbance. 
Guidance on Soul-Star Relationships
2019 Essential Daily Practices PLUS!
A Journey Between Worlds
Solara An-Ra's new book, available NOW on Amazon!

In this book Solara An-Ra narrates her fascinating life story in which, aged four, she makes a contract to be a “Pleiadian Emissary to Gaia.” This soul agreement brings great challenges in her early years as she, like so many humans, struggles to remember and fulfil her mission in this incarnation.
Solara’s breakthrough comes when she receives an energy activation in her country of birth, which allows her to channel the Pleiadian Councils directly. Initiated by these enlightened star beings as a Warrior of the Light, she fearlessly embraces this path. It is her greatest joy to step forward as a leader and guide tothe people of planet Earth; the Light Tribe of Gaia.
This frank, unabashed, and at times hilarious account of the highs and lows of Solara’s “journey between worlds” makes for a joyful and compelling read. The fact that there is immense spiritual power woven throughout her chronicle can almost be forgotten in the pleasure of the ride. We are invited to voyage alongside her as she yoyo’s between her everyday existence and the captivating world that opens as she becomes a channel for the star people.
The Time Is Now!
Letters of Appreciation
Namaste dear Solara! My name is Caio, I am from Brazil. I follow your channelings for a couple of years now and I honestly feel that what you are up to is completely lucid and meaningful, a trustable work among so many confusing informations. So, thank you so much for shining a true light upon this pilgrim here.
Dear Solara An Ra, I wish to thank you and your guides from the bottom of my heart for the most amazing week I spent with you and my Soul Star family. I could never have expected to have such wonderful, life changing experiences as I did. Thank you for your teachings, guidance, patience and fun which I will never forget. Love and thank you thank you πππ
Joanne Halliday
Hey Solara, I just wanted to thank you for the absolutely most amazing course I have EVER attended, which gave me absolutely everything I was hoping to get and so much more. I feel so eternally grateful to your teachings, the guidance from our wonderful Star Soul Family and guides and the amazing care we were given by Itzak and his absolute devotion to ensuring we were all so wonderfully fed and watered and the amazing guidance he was also able to share. It was literally a 360 degrees of spiritual nourishment, (including meeting some life long friends) which I feel so lucky to have got to experience, the first of many I hope and one I won't forget <3. My channeling is coming on leaps and bounds and is something that will now always be with me, so LOVE and THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Clair xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxo
Good evening Solara, my name is Marianna Lea, from NY, and I am in total gratitude for You and All that You do for the Global community as we all move through these exciting times, Riding the Waves of Ascension. I just finished listening to your 2019 News Broadcast and did the affirmations along with the video. It is beyond powerful to even express. Yesssss!!! Miracles Are Possible!!! I Am embracing change with Joy in this moment of Now.
2018 was a fall for me unlike any other falls I ever experienced. At the end I saw a vision of going through a tidal wave of emotional storms, and then finally shifting the major confines inside and letting go of fear and that which held me back and that which no longer served - and meeting you across a bridge filled with the light from the Sun and saying thank you - and knowing, finally knowing, that the bridge of my old me has been crossed. LEA
Thank you my dearest Solara ~ “great awakener” loving being of light! During all these years, everytime I think about you, or through your meditations or workshops or travels ... I feel like “fire” in my heart ... deep deep love !gratitude to be in my life! We are looking to come in June /July star code awakening .. let you know if it is possible ...ππβ€οΈπ Usha Mira
Hi Solara, I just want to express my appreciation to you - Peru was definitely once in a lifetime experience!! I truly enjoyed every day light-heartedly after recovering from altitude sickness. I don't know about Blueprint or Chamber of Light, but I know something happened to me during the journey. My etheric body is much more fluid, and energy flows more freely. I was wondering if it's because I was in Peru, powerful energy center. But, I still feel the same in Korea ... so, it was a permanent change in my frequency. :-)) Again, thank you so much for your love, light and funny jokes during the journey. Hope to see you again somewhere at the right time! :-)))
Heart to heart, Jinny
Dear Solara, Thank you for a most wonderful journey of both the heart and mind in Peru. The people, the land and the amazing energy of this adventure will be with me for a long time. I’m very grateful for your foresight and guidance and I just loved meeting the very real you. May peace and abundance always be with you for God knows you deserve it. Many blessings, Jim Shedden
Hi Solara, I listened to your IGNITING INTUITION interview and I just wanted to say it was great and, of course, it was exactly what I needed to hear :-) so thank you very much for that… And I have to say that you are the most sincere and naturalistic interviewee to date (as ever!).Love Nicola
Dear Solara, I just wrote a song the other day and named it after you. We are with you Dear One. Your work is a constant inspiration to us. We may not make it to the Peruvian mountain top with you but we have looked over and seen the Promised Land. Travel safely, Derek & Karen
Dear Solara, how can I thank you enough for the magical Starseed Activation workshop? Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the healing I recieved from you and all the star people. It is ongoing and I now see light at the end of the tunnel. Looking forward to being with you again in Glastonbury!. In deep grattitude for all you do you, true goddess. Love filled light to you, Aileen
Dearest Solara, thank you for bringing us all together in such a wonderful space in the Awakening Light Body retreat. Thank you for the dance, yoga π and meditation π I have been doing it most days since back at least once a day, and it has brought some wonderful experiences. The latest being I was given that I am a Light π‘ Weaver. I had been doing weird and wonderful things with my arms and weaving with my hands without even thinking about it. Then it came. Was a π lovely emotional moment.I have also naturally changed my diet and my tastes to food and drink. I have had a beautiful feeling on my third eye for some weeks now - like a breeze on that spot - is the only way I can describe it βΊοΈ And the same on my back behind my heart. I am sooooooooooo loving this journey π Thank You again to you, your guides and all for boosting it. Huge love and hugs, Jo
Hi Solara, for years now I've been meaning to share with you how much your spiritual work has been a help to me on my own path. Your meditations online are often so beautiful and uplifting and even though I require less outside support now, there was a time a few years back that I almost solely relied on you and other channels for my balance and happiness, buried as I am in the intensely unenlightened materialistic energy of London. David.
Hi Solara, I absolutely think you're a fantastic teacher, I love all the work you do and the meditations you give so generously. I’ve been following you for years, I have an Arcturian guide who worked with me in Atlantis and he popped up again in this incarnation. I love going to the healing chambers at night for healings for me and anybody else who is going through a rough time. Many blessings Elizabeth x
Dear Solara, thanks so much for the latest 2 meditations. Both super great! About 3 wks. ago for some reason I was really wanting an ocean healing meditation - here is my wish come true, the meditation is just exactly what I wanted. I love following the dolphins around as they spin the energy. It feels so right. As for the star-being meditation, it was just stunning. Of course there were tears. And I felt like it was something I recognized. I knew the star was going to come towards me before it was spoken. Basically, there are no words adequate for such an experience. Love Colleen
Dearest Solara, I just wanted to tell you that I LOVE the ocean meditation! Have been doing it alone and with my son and we have learned to sing with the whales and dolphines and, in Finn's case, the sea-grass. Felt there was a great breakthrough some days ago, and I focus on the earth and ocean prana tubes every day. Love Inga
Dear Solara Thank you For your guidance I'm so glad to support you in any way I can. I believe in you so much and your teachings have taken me on a beautiful life journey. I'm on my path and am a very happy in my ♥ heart. Many blessings to you. Jenny βΊ xxx
Dear Solara, my friend in LA introduced me to your work and I’ve been following along ever since. And I feel like a new woman since doing the meditations on a regular basis. I’m currently reading your book;)) I’m a film maker and a very curious soul! Love Sasha
Dear Solara An-Ra,Thank you! I am grateful for meeting you at the early beginning of my awakening journey. In the last three years I have been rising, taking rather baby steps but together with your guidance, attendance of your live meditations in Ibiza and recently finishing the read of your book, my life has been through some good shifting, understandings and energy acceleration. Thank you for reminding us all for our purpose in this life-time and your guidance in bringing ourselves back into a higher vibration when needed. Much love. Slavomira Lakshmi
Dear Solara, I never have sent you a mail - but know that I appreciate immensely all your meditations and channeled messages. Around twice a week I take ½ hour to go through your latest meditations, website sometimes…. I’m so much in resonance with what you offer us.Thanks thanks thanks from the deepest of my heart for all that !!!!!! Much LOVE, Philippe S.
Greetings dear Solara. I am a student of yours of 8years and have grown into a well balanced human being who is spiritually awakened. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us all! You cover everything one needs to know to ballance, heal and ascend. With love and kindest regards, Jenny Topaz
Dear Solara, We feel grateful for Your Divine Work as it has helped us, The connection to step forward in Courage and Authenticity.... Your videos and courses are helping us embrace new aspects of our work. Thank you. Our gift is a gift of gratitude and appreciation. You are truly "The Gift". Much Love, Jeanean and David
Thank you so much, dearest one, for all the love and energy you invest in teaching us how to raise our vibrations to heal ourselves and to awaken into our higher light-selves of joy, love and kindness. You are such a shining example of how that is possible and I so admire your commitment to this and the way you have chosen to live your life. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Yasmine
Greetings Solara An-Ra, I am honored to have the opportunity to contact you. My name is Nashwa, I am from Honduras, Central America. I have been listening to your channelings these days to attune with the Arcturians and Sirians. Infinite gratitude for your work of bringing forth this so much needed light and healing. Sending love and light, may all be well with you, thank you thank you! Blessings! Lisa Odeh-Nasrala Dia
Hello Solara, I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciated your meditations. WOW. There’s so much ‘out there’ to choose from when on the path of searching, etc. and I found them to be extraordinary. Really could sink into them and go where you took us. Very cool. Thanks again for the gifts and I will definitely be listening again and following… Blessings, Judy
Dear Solara An Ra, THANK YOU! You, your book and your meditations have been a blessing to me since I was strongly guided to you by my Arcturian guide a few months back. I had shut down somewhat and needed a little 'help' - you have been that help.......... Thank you. I send you all my LOVE. I wish I could give you a BIG HUG. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Nancy
Hello my Sister, I want to let you know how much i appreciate your service. my gratitude towards you, and others like you is immense. you're the perfect example of the Light/Love, divine beings we All are. i enjoy the wisdom you impart; it resonates with me on an inner depth of awareness. Thank you! Renda Rollins
Dear Solara An Ra, My name is Damian and I live in the small country town of Eudunda, South Australia. I am writing to you to thank you for your you tube videos on Preparation, Stabilization and Integration of light. Apart from being uplifting and energizing and healing in their own right, they have helped me with a project that I have been working on for some time now and received a remarkable and unexpected result. Your website is excellent and is a valuable reference tool. Thank you so much for your outstanding work. Yours Faithfully, Damian McEntee.
Dear Solara, among all the many blessings in my life you hold a special place in my heart. You are my guide, my teacher and my friend. Thank you for providing a space for "family" and for helping so many, in so many ways. I look forward to 2017 and to the next time we again meet. Love and thank you, thank you ππΌ Toni
Dearest Solara-Angel-Goddess of Light, I am still working on the precursor meditations on your site that you suggested before doing the healing course - I love love love them! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am so excited to find you, I just connected to the P's last month and they led me to you. The Awakening has been a magical and miraculous time for me! May all of your hopes and dreams come true today! Now and always! And so it is! Darlene
My friend and teacher, you have NO idea, I imagine, how powerful your teachings have been for me. I first saw just a thumbnail of your golden angel meditation on YouTube and started to sob. Ever since then you've been key in leading my evolution, with a friendly and wise hand holding my heart. Giving it all freely: that alone has been a major teaching. Your book made that experience even more powerful. It's amazing; so open, so real - so human and master at the same time - incredibly well written. I stopped reading it almost right at the end! One of the gifts of your book is normalizing what is real. Thank you with all of my expanding heart. Much love, Sadhya
My name is Trinity River and I have found your guided meditations as I was looking for a meditation about the Grand Cross. One of yours suited me perfectly and then I did the 11:11 meditation because that's been quite my number for the last Week here. Your meditations are obviously divinely Channeled and your voice is lovely and as i was doing them I saw all types of fantastic geometric imagery along with the things that you're guiding us to. I am so grateful that you have given these to the world. I just had to take the time to tell you so and thank you. To you and whatever team you have that's helped you with this I am eternally grateful. I am in the visioning all earthlings as Golden Angels now. Thank you thank you thank you. Namaste, Trinity_River
Dear Solara, What a great site you have on the internet. Thank you so much that I can listen and read all about the meditations. With great plesure I tune in the free meditations. Thank you, thank you. Kind regards, Edith Romme
Hello Solara. First, I want to thank you so much for everything that you are doing. I truly love the meditations that you have posted on YouTube. I listen to one or more of them almost every day. I have recommended them to friends and family, and I even required my 10 year old son to listen to the three chamber of light meditations in preparation for the March 20th ascension wave. You have touched me deeply and I am very grateful. Secondly, I have spent my life looking forward to the time in which I would be able to learn the skills that you are teaching, such as healing and channeling. I can not thank you enough for making courses like this available online. Thank you again for every thing you are doing, Mike D'Avella
Solara, I just wanted to thank you for sharing your book with the entire world. That was a big step I am sure. I am happy I got to be able to read and listen to your life as it unfolded. I honor the entire you. You have no idea how or what an important role you have chosen in this life time (or maybe you do). I just wanted to give thanks and gratitude for all that you bring forth through your teachings, channelings, and life lessons. Namaste, Lindsey Keirnan βΌ
Dear Solara, I just wanted to say thank you for the light you bring to the world. I didn't realise how one person can affect thousands on a galactic scale until recently. SO all of us at your course can now affect thousands more. It's like a positive virus (I was a nurse!) So thanks for agreeing to be my mentor this incarnation. Love and blessings, Clare
Dear Solara An-Ra, thank you for your amazing healing sessions on youtube. I am so grateful for the healing light chambers. I so appreciate your love and integrity. Much LOVE, Stephanie
My partner and I have been doing your meditations for about a 2 weeks now and we are so incredibly grateful for this experience. We are finding ourselves even more connected through these journeys and are so grateful for the gifts you are sharing. We would love to purchase your story can you send us parts 1 to 5? Thank you again, this is truly amazing. Cheers, Kim
Hi Solara! I have to say, your channelings/meditations are beyond phenomenal! I've been avidly doing the healing chambers 1/2 and 3! Oh my word they've changed everything! I'm currently doing a channeling course with my usual teacher in Florida and since starting the course it's come through that I am doing some specific work for the galactics and this all kicked off since I started doing your meditations. So you are a HUGE factor. I then saw that you did your own channeling course and just knew that's where I really need to go next for me to get greater clarity on the rather explosive journey. Anyway, in a rather large nutshell I just wanted to express my gratitude and thanks for all the wonderful channeling that you put on YouTube. You're amazing !!! Much love, Marie X
Dearest Solara, thank you for sharing your spiritual insights and exercises with us. We enjoyed very much staying at Casa Solara, the work here and taking part in the ceremonies here and at Es Vedra. Ibiza we have enjoyed very much. The inspiration and exercises will become part of our toolkit to be used often...
Love and blessings to you and for your work, from Mette and Peter
Dear Solara, greetings from New York City! An astrologer from Denver referred me to you a few months ago and I’ve been loving your morning practice as well as the Arcturian Healing Chamber of Light. My cats do too! Your voice is remarkable. I’ve experienced so much healing in such a short period of time. Thank you so so so much! I’ll continue to keep my eye on your upcoming retreats as I would love to meet you in person. Thank you again! With love, Kelly
Dearest Solara, It is very important for me to be visiting and attending your workshops. It is soothing for my soul, and heart. It helps me to remember who I am and my purpose on beautiful Mother Earth. I have no words to describe how grateful and blessed i feel to have met you and be able to come & spend time over at your magical space. Your presence is so inspiring to me. Your energy brought back so many memories. I have never met another human who's essence reminds me so much of 'home'. Coming back to Casa Solara is a visit to the Stars, which is a blessing for my whole being. Hope to see you soon… Sending you lots of love from my heart, Anna
Hello Solara, this is an honor to email you. I have been listening to your meditations for 5 years now - thank you. I have been listening to the chamber of light video recently, several times. I have seen my healing ability increase as a massage therapist and registered Nurse . Thank you! I am having an open mind to the galaxy. Loving kindness ,Namaste, Louise Doyle
Hi Solara, Thank you for all your hard work that you constantly share with all. I myself take classes of meditation every week and I learn a lot from you. Blessing to you. Eternal Love, Marilou
Dear Solara An-Ra, I am so honored to be a part of the Frequency Keeper with the Activating the Prana Tube meditation. Tears of joy are falling as I am embraced by the meditation. Thank you so much for sharing this blessing for our Light Tribe of Gaia. It feels so natural for me to be a part of. My heart is overflowing with love and light. Thank you Star Councils of Light. Namaste, Pamela
I love your meditations so much and have been using them for the past few months. I want to thank you for all the amazing work you do on behalf of this Terran tribe of ours. It is exceptional. Keep up the great work - you are wonderful light! Cheers! Lots of love, Maria - Los Angeles
Hi Solara An-Ra Warrior of the light, I've just done your gaia grid connection meditation - its BEAUTIFUL! I saw the golden grid the rainbow lines spreading out to the grid, and felt the love energy of the Christ Conciousness grid and felt like i was meditating with hundreds of others If there's proof of the pudding, it's certainly in this one! Mike Jay, love love love
I have shared many tears with you during your meditations. These were never tears of sadness but always tears of pure joy knowing I had finally found my way home. Namaste, Love Mary
The 'Connection with Gaia's ascension Grids' meditation is simply OUTSTANDING!! Very VERY powerful. I love all your meditations and am grateful to you for posting them. I send much Love to you now! Marlo Page - Canada
Dear Solara, Your voice has an incredible magic in it, and I rejoice each and every day to listen to your Daily Practice, which often is delivering to me inner images and insights. Thank you so much for your work and also thank you very much for making it available for free! With love, Verena - Germany
I am writing to thank you for many of your gifts, but most especially the Daily Practices meditation. I have meditated for years, and have felt very good about my experiences -- but after a week of daily meditation with your recording, I can tell you that I can feel a significant change occurring. Thank you, thank you, for making your work available to all. I wish you all great blessings - and I hope one day our paths will cross in person. Pam Younghans (Astrologer) - Seattle, Washington
Dear Solara, your free meditations have affected me immensely today. I have had much trouble grounding in the past, making it not difficult for me to recieve many energies, but difficult to make them of conscious use. However, today while listening to the essential practices, i felt your intense light and energy come through the beautiful strength of vibration that is your voice, and when i aligned my DNA into a beautiful indigo chord i felt the strongest connection to my existence on Gaia that i have yet experienced. Namaste, peace, love, light, wisdom and many many blessed thanks. Eva Louise Williams - Melbourne Australia
Solara, thank you with all my heart for sharing your meditations. I've been using your Daily Practice and Sacred Heart since the autumn when I saw your ad in Cygnus and I've recently come across your Higher Self meditation too on your website. This has been wonderfully important to me in integrating some of the extensive past life and initiatory meditative work I've been doing over the last couple of years. Sometimes you just need something to come in from the outside to give you a nudge to tie up certain aspects – and it was you with your beautiful voice! Bless you! With lots of love and blessings, Maggie Salter - Devon
Dear Solara, I have been using your Essential Daily Practices Meditation for the last few weeks and the energy and light it radiates within me is phenomenal. You are bringing such important messages and love into the hearts of so many, and into our beloved Mother Earth. You truly are a Warrior of the Light. My love and gratitude are radiating back to you. I will look for you in the States next year. Lynn Curtin - Florida
When doing the Pleiadian Essential daily Practices meditation for the first time I felt electric energy tingling in my hands, thank you so much for your sharing and wisdom, much blessings to you sister of light! Namaste, Joanna :)
I have been drawn to the Pleiadians teachings for at least 10 months now - 2 weeks ago I was looking for a meditation to help me and I was drawn to your website. I would like to thank you so much for your free mediations - since I have been practicing them I have found them most helpful, very moving and powerful. Helen Ricketts - Perth
Wow, awesome, fabulous. These are some of the words that can I describe what the Chakra Dance has done for me. The first time I did this dance this morning, tears were flowing down my cheeks and I felt great joy and excitement. Then I did this dance with my husband and felt very peaceful & focused. My husband really enjoyed this dance as well. Thank you Solara for all the meditations and channeling's that you have on your website. We greatly enjoy all of them and we love this new web page. We are very appreciative of all that you have helped us understand and feel and have opened up to. We are really looking forward to meeting you one day. May Love be in your Heart, Light in your Life & be Filled with Great Gratitude, Ben & Lorraine - Red Deer, Alberta, Canada