1. Opening to Channel &
2. Multi-Dimensional Healing
with Solara An-Ra & the Star Councils of Light
@ Casa Solara Ibiza
21 - 28 Sept 2019
These 2 workshops are usually done together as one unit.
Channelling Workshop: 21, 22, 23 Sept.
24th Sept is a free day.
Healing workshop: 25, 26, 27 Sept. Check-out: 28th Sept.
1. OPENING TO CHANNEL ~ Connecting with your Guides & Higher Self
21, 22, 23 Sept 2018
Sat 21st: 16.00 - 19.00
Sun 22nd: 09.30 - 13.30; 16.00 - 19.00
Mon 23rd: 09.30 - 13.30; 16.00 - 19.00
What is your motivation for opening to channel? Search your heart now. If it is to be led forward on your path, moving progressively into peace, balance, self- empowerment, joy, abundance - and to gain clarity on how you may be of service to the world - then this course is for you!
'Come those who have awakened to their spirit path
Those who feel a connection with other life forms in the universe
Those who wish love and light to flow through them as channels
For the awakening of mankind on this sweet Earth we inhabit'
In this comprehensive workshop Solara An-Ra teaches all the fundamental principles of channelling - what it is & why you would want to practise it, different types of guides and their purpose, the role of the angels in connecting you with higher dimensional beings & how to use discernment in connecting with non-physical beings, ensuring that only high vibrational guides are able to connect with you.
On an experiential level the group will practise techniques to activate the third eye & integrate the left and right brain hemispheres to facilitate channelling; plus posture & preparation steps to ensure safety and high level guidance. You will learn how to move through blocks as you begin your practise, both for direct voice and writing channelling, how to bring through visual information alongside messages & how to process/summarise guidance.
Solara An-Ra is a world renowned channel who has been transmitting en-lightening information from Ascended Masters, Earth-keeper ancestors, Star Beings and Babaji since 1998. She works primarily with the ‘Councils of Light’ – a collective of Andromedan, Sirian, Pleiadian, Lyran and Arcturian Star Beings who tell us repeatedly "The Time Is Now!" They stress that we are in a critical period of Earth changes and evolution that require us to realise that we are in charge of our destiny. We are creators, whose challenge right now is to heal ourselves and our Mother Earth in order to step into the New Age of Light!

Solara has taught hundreds of people to channel, and is now offering this life changing workshop at her beautiful centre in Ibiza. As always, the teachings which come through her and the Star Councils are simple, accessible and humorous - designed to LIGHTEN you up so that you let go of fear and self doubt. There is no question that learning to channel is easier in a group context ~ and it is a massive advantage to be able to practise on an ongoing basis after the course with fellow students, either in person or on Skype.
Accommodation @ Casa Solara includes a delicious chia porridege~fruit salad breakfast.
Healthy vegetarian dinner will be offered @ 15 euros per meal - it is expected that participants join these 3 meals per workshop, paying a total of 45 euros on the first day of each course.
For lunch and on the free day participants will either make their own meals or eat out in town.
IBIZA Channelling Workshop: €399
IBIZA Healing Workshop: €399
One workshop plus 3 nights Accommodation (2 per room): €520 |
Channelling & Healing Workshops plus 7 nights Accommodation: €999
Please practise the 'Essential Daily Practises' Meditation every day in the weeks leading up to the channelling workshop - ideally you will have a felt experience of what the different steps of the meditation do in your energy field and body.
Please bring on the workshop: -
a special notebook which will be used for writing channelling practise during and after the workshop.
a voice recorder (many phones now have this facility but it is an advantage to have a digital recorder, particularly if you want to be a spoken channel and will record channellings in the future.)
Any crystals which you are guided to bring.
The Time Is Now!
Multi-Dimensional Healing Intensive
with Solara An-Ra & the Star Councils of Light
25, 26, 27 Sept 2018
Wed 25th: 16.00 - 19.00
Thurs 26th: 09.30 - 13.30; 16.00 - 19.00
Fri 27th: 09.30 - 13.30; 16.00 - 19.00
The time is now for Solara An-Ra to teach the amazing healing tools she has been gifted from her Star guides since she received her first Pleiadian initiation in 2007. She is passing these skills on in the form of this 3-day course, suitable for both beginners who KNOW they are meant to heal, and those who have some healing experience.
There will be a certain amount of preparation before the course, in the form of notes to study, which will take longer if you have no knowledge of the chakras, etc. The more knowledge you have of the chakras, will more you will get out of the workshop, and the quicker you will become an intelligent healer! It is particularly important to understand the ASPECT OF CONSCIOUSNESS relating to each chakra (e.g: the root chakra relates to issues around home, job & money - issues of trust, security, feeling safe in your body & on the planet, etc.)
This form of healing incorporates the following techniques (but remember, you will not necessarily end up using all of these - your healing gifts are individual and will become clear as the course goes on): -
Sound healing - particularly through the voice, and working specifically to open/clear/connect chakras. This skill is truly Pleiadian magic - you do not need to be able to sing! Some of you will channel through the Hathors also, and/or will bring through 'Language of Light'.
Psychic Surgery
Chakra/energy body healing - working in the energy field and also with the 13 chakras, including the Sacred Heart chakra & the Cosmic & Earth Star Chakras at the top and bottom of the aura.
Craniosacral 'listening' skill - this involves moving yourself into a centred, meditative state, and then receiving information from the body itself through your hands and your senses. It is the opposite of 'channelling energy' into the client's body, as is done in Reiki (although that is also great!)
Pleiadian/Arcturian/Sirian Chambers of Light - placing the client in a 'Chamber of Light' which holds a certain grid frequency according to what is needed in that particular healing.
Channelling messages from your Higher Self, your guides or the client's guides during the session. (You do not need to be 'a channel' in order to learn how to do this, but it does help to have done the channelling course if this feels like it's on your path).

In preparation for the course please listen to all 3 chakra webinars here, & study the notes sent to you on registration.
You will also need to be familiar with the 'Pleiadian Essential Daily Practices' meditation and have practiced it consistently in the month leading up to the course (try all 3 versions to see which one you like best). This is free to download here .
It will help to have done the 'Opening to Channel' course with Solara An-Ra previous to this course, but it is not a requirement. You can also do the online (or CD) course by the same name.Students are asked not to take any alcohol or drugs (other than prescribed) while on the course and for the week leading up to it.
The Time Is Now for the healers to step into their power,allowing their star-seeded gifts to shine through, healing the people of Gaia!
The opening to channel and multidimensional healing courses were just what I needed! Solara's a great teacher with the skill to reach every single person in the group on a truly deep level. We loved, we laughed, we released old hurts and pains, we cried, we sang and we danced!!!!!! We also visited some magical spiritual site of Ibiza - pure magic! A safe space was created at Casa Solara through which the inner channel and healer in me were fully revealed at last!!!!!!!! I've made true friends during these times, a family! LOVE AND THANK YOU THANK YOU! Nalisha xxx
Dear Solara, thank you so much for both the channeling and the multi dimensional healing course. I've had the most intense week in my life so far, and I enjoyed every moment of it. Thank you for opening up your beautiful place for this and for your wonderful teachings. I love how you hold the group, how clear your teachings are and the warm family feeling you create. I've learned so much in only 8 days! I'm so grateful for all the amazing healings, the lovely chats, the shared silences and the heart connections made with our little family in those 8 days! I feel I can never truly express how I feel and at the same time I know you understand. THANK YOU, I LOVE YOU!!! ♡♡♡ Lots of love, Sandra
I had a wonderful time and experience at Solara's workshops. I feel like I was touching an inner gift that was not used for so long and feel like awakening in the magic of life and universe. Profound healing also took place for me during the seminar. Feeling so much love and connection. Love Corinne
THANK YOU Solara for faciliating this wonderful workshop, and especially for your lovely way to teach us, hold us up and guide us all. Like Michael said, it was through your attraction of these energies that I had my experience and I´m thankful for that. Love Marcus (Stockholm)
Thank you to you all for such a Divine 3 days together on the healing course! It was such an expansive experience, on all levels and I feel so honoured to have shared it with such beautiful souls. It was truly a wonderful feeling of coming home, of acceptance and of knowing. Knowing that we are all here with such purpose. That we have exactly what we need and that everytime we choose to shine not only do we aid the activation of those who sleep but of each other. What better way to reacquaint ourselves with our Soul Star Chakras than to be with Soul family! Infinite love, thanks and a thousand smiles to you all, Maya xxxxxxxx
Dear Solara, what an amazing healing course! I was so delighted to be part of a group with such amazing young Crystal woman - you are just the right person to assist them in their awakening and journey ahead. I have started using some of the skills I learnt with great success, combining it with my massage. One of my client's who is working through some major life changes has booked more appointments for the massage and healing combo, which is fab.
Szaphiel xxxxx
Thank you, Solara for the wonderful channeling course last weekend. I realized that I've been using channeling already as part of my daily routine, but I hadn't identified it as such. What I have been missing all the time is the right kind of guidance, the proper method to feel confident and secure enough to continue to do this precious work - all of which you have provided. My wish to establish a more direct connection with my guides has been granted. Which feels great!
Dear Solara, beautiful Goddess that you are, I thank you with all of my heart for facilitating such a multidimensional awakening for us all. The course helped me to realise the power which I hold, which is transmitted not by that which I do but that which I AM. Sometimes it is so easy to slip into self criticism for the things I could have done or 'should ' have done or be doing but in your presence and the presence of the group it has awakened in me a deep knowing that all I need to do is BE. I have known this for along time but since the course I feel more in tune and able to embody it. Through the power of my One Heart, I can go forth in the joy of connecting with the One Heart of all other beings knowing that in that action I am truly being of service.
Thank you so much, Solara. I really have the feeling you gave me a bunch of keys to a castle full of treasures. And it seems to be exactly the castle I was longing for to enter for such a long time. This probably is the best journey I ever made in my life so far. Looking forward to reading your boook and even more to meeting you again. YOU ARE GREAT! Going to use the keys now! Lots of love, Rianne
I have just got back from Solara's Opening to Channeling weekend. It was one of the most wonderful experience's of my life. It is an amazing opportunity to expand yourself, form a deeper connection with who you truly are and strengthen your connection with your guides and higher self. I have come away from it feeling completely empowered! I have been on many of Solara's courses and they are always full of light, laughter, magic, wonder and love. Solara is kind, caring, fun supportive and generally brilliant at holding space for everyone no matter who they are. Thank you so much Solara you are a star!
Loads of love, Katyx
Hi Solara! I just wanted to thank you for last weekends channelling workshop. I had an amazingly tranquil time connecting with my guides and each other in a safe encouraging environment. I really feel that it has helped me immensely in connecting with my higher self, and developing a great empathy for all things. I'd like to thank you also for helping me contact the star beings who assist us at the present time, as I've felt a longing to do so for some time now. Thanks again Solara for your assistance, I had a lot of fun. Martin
Just to say thank you for such an incredible weekend channelling course. It was truly inspirational, humbling, reassuring and motivational and so were the people.Thank you for doing the work that you do and for being the person that you are. Lots of love, Sue Henry
Solara, a huge thank you for what you facilitated for all of us! You are a brilliant inspiration and I'm profoundly grateful for the model you give us of an empowered, fun and joyful human being as well as your particular channel of information from the higher dimensions. I just resonate so much with your fun, boldness and expansiveness! Brenda Barnes
I recently attended the Opening to Channel workshop with the hope that I would receive more clarity and connection with my guides. I certainly wasn't disappointed! What a totally awesome and inspiring weekend. Solara is a wonderful and empowering teacher with great humility and wisdom who has an innate ability to make everybody feel truly at ease and supported, providing a feeling of absolute acceptance. Solara guided me to listen and to trust and so awaken a true, clear and beautiful vibrational link to my guides - I was filled with love, light and information - a remarkable and empowering experience! I feel I have taken a huge leap forward and am forever grateful. I cannot recommend Solara's workshops highly enough to those who wish to accelerate on their spiritual path - I will certainly be returning! Adele Carby
Hi Solara, thank you for the fantastic channelling course I did in October, what a blessing! My life has changed from that weekend dramatically. The beauty of the course was so simple all I needed to do was trust to and have faith. From the moment I started trusting myself, my guides became very close to me. I took the advice you gave us, that we should practice daily, which I never believed I will do. My God, a whole new world has open up to me, I can feel them, they are constantly advising me when ever I call upon them. I am also receiving extra help from my guides for my Reiki practice, before I see a client I always call for assistance. Once again thank you Solara for a fabulous job, you are an angel, so lovely and warm! Love & Light, Muriel Nylander
Thanks for a brilliant weekend Solara! Keka and I have done a lot of workshops, and we rate this one as among the best - and you as the very best facilitator we have ever had. There is such a natural ease, joy and exuberance about the way you teach that makes everything easy. That combined with your great sensitivity and compassion allows everybody to feel held and supported so that they open up and blossom. Maggie Pashley
The Channeling course has simply changed my life! I feel more connected with my Guides and our communication is much clearer and consistent resulting in my feeling empowered, supported and committed to my life dream. I see now that it’s not just my life dream but something much grander, interconnected and expansive than I previously understood. The peace and compassion I feel in my everyday life has also expanded exponentially and the perspective I’ve now gained from this can only be explained as other-worldly! I have deeper appreciation and understanding of all things! I have much much love for you and appreciation for your courage and power to stand as you are, tapping into the greater All That You Are and All That We Are. It has enabled me to connect more meaningfully with All That Is and my role in this unfolding. It’s a gift that goes beyond the veil!! Naomi Nonu-Carling