Message from the Star Councils for 2014 – Prana Tube Activation
Light Tribe of Gaia, we come with words of encouragement and motivation as you move towards the dawn of 2014. So many of you were heavy of heart after the 2012 Solstice, around which so many hopes were pinioned and so much propaganda was invoked. The energies at that time held massive potential, but the time was not yet at hand where a quantum shift of consciousness was able to be achieved. As you approach the 2013 Solstice you find yourselves once more in a period of activation and great potential. The energies are in fact a great deal stronger now than in the year of 2012 – indeed, you have more potential to activate your multi-dimensionality in the time window of 2014 than you have had in the previous decade!
We urge you therefore to pay more attention to your energy bodies, and to learn how to deal with the energy upgrades which are in progress. Without these skills you may struggle to progress; to stay balanced in body, mind and emotions - and we will assist you on a practical level now.
The importance of your prana tube - and your confidence in working with your prana tube - cannot be underestimated at this time. This pathway, which we have called an ‘energetic breathing tube’, is your pathway to union with the Cosmic Bliss of Source - and to true oneness with your planet also. It is your means of interface with all dimensions within your galaxy. Although it is of course possible to connect with Source & Gaia with no working knowledge of this device, it is the nature of the shifting realities on your planet now - which make it difficult to stay aligned and grounded - which makes this knowledge imperative. Particularly for the Indigos who are stepping into their power now – for these young adults the method we give here will empower you and keep you sane as you integrate your higher dimensional Light bodies and skills.
Visualise this crystalline tube within you now, 3 to 4 cm wide, running through all 12 chakras – 3 above the body, 7 within and 2 below. Feel how your prana tube naturally stays within the confines of your aura. Say ‘I activate my prana tube NOW!’ and send your tube straight up into the Great Central Sun at the heart of your galaxy – and straight down into the Core Crystal of the planet. As you feel or see the tube connecting in above and below, feel the rush of blissful energy entering your heart space in your chest.
Sit or stand and feel the energies rushing in from above – focus on how this feels; spend time experiencing how it feels. Now change your focus and experience the energy rushing upwards from the core crystal into your heart space. Experiment focussing on the one flow and then the other - and finally experiencing both flows – energy rushing into your heart space from above and below simultaneously. On a scientific level, it is electro-magnetic energy which is charging your body. Above and beyond this, it is the love of Source and the love of the Earth Mother which floods your body as you focus on your prana tube.
What we wish to stress at this time is this – that when you focus on your prana tube – and when you make the intention to extend it above and below – your ability to ground yourself, to heal yourself and to recharge yourself is magnified exponentially. Moreover, your ability to tune into awareness of your prana tube at will, at any given moment, will give you the power to control your energy field more efficiently. You will be able to expand or contract your Light body more easily when it is appropriate, to activate your Merkaba Light field, and so forth. Tuning into your prana tube is one of your ‘energy A-B-C’s’; it a requirement for your transition into your multi-dimensional expressions on Earth.
Experience how the prana tube is the centre of the torus-like energy flow which is drawn in from both ends, only to be emitted once more. There is constant input and output on all levels of your energy system - energy in and out of your individual chakras, your prana tube and your energy field. Through the prana tube you are interacting with the magnetic fields of your sun, of the Great Central Sun at your galactic heart, and with the Core Crystal of your Earth. When you interact with a great power which is already in coherence or balance, you charge yourselves with a balancing and healing force. You can choose therefore to focus on a specific chakra other than the heart in order to clear blockages in that place. But the heart is your primary place of balance – never let go of the feeling of the heart space when you are focusing on the prana tube.

We will expand on these teachings in the coming year, so that you have a step-by-step energy manual to guide your way. The key is to practise, rather than simply absorb the knowledge you receive. Without practise, without experience, these teachings are fruitless. Your motivation – the ‘carrot on the stick’ which will direct your efforts – is a power and peace within which you can only imagine at this time. Remember always, that you are in charge of your own experience. Nothing harmful can enter your energy field while you consciously experiment with methods such as the one given above, because you are Sovereign Beings of Light. Rather, you will learn to strengthen your energy fields so much that it is no longer possible for entities to enter your auras, no longer possible for negative thought forms to be implanted into your minds.
Artwork by Amoraea:
We repeat - never let go of the feeling of the heart space when you are focusing on the prana tube - for Love is the most powerful force for healing within you. No energy techniques are truly healing without your ability to be in your heart space. No true transformation within you is possible without Love. And so it is. Namaste.