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Assist Solara An-Ra in raising the vibration of our tribe!


A chapter which didn't make it into my book ... but which explains a fundamental part of my journey and how I have manifested such a wonderful, rewarding life path! :)

Manifesting with a Pleiadian Twist

With my meditation classes going successfully, I decided to teach a one-day workshop on a specific way of manifesting. My journey with this new practice had started a few years before when I was given a tape set called ‘The Secrets to Manifesting Your Destiny’ by Wayne Dyer. Although I enjoyed the content of the lectures on the six tapes, I was not particularly excited by them, already having learned most of the spiritual principles he was teaching. I recognised the same truths in this program that had shifted my entire perspective of how life worked so many years before when I read ‘You Can Heal Your Life’. I had experienced first-hand that my power to create my reality lay in my power to choose my thoughts and beliefs more consciously.
What really hooked me was the chanting meditation Wayne taught at the end of the program. It was a technique which had been passed onto him by the guru named Guruji, specifically so that he could pass it onto large western audiences. This was an example of an ancient wisdom-way from the east which had been kept secret up until now. This time on Earth is one in which many powerful ancient secrets are being given to humanity to assist in our accelerated evolution.
I loved everything I heard about the manifesting technique – three different strands from my spiritual learning had been fused together into an easy, practical manifesting technique. Firstly, it included the use of sacred sound. The sound to be chanted – ‘Aaaaaaaah’, was the sound of creation; the sound of God; the sound of joy; the sound of orgasm! I already loved chanting OM, the sacred sound of all that has been created, and I was excited by the idea that chanting AH meant you were using the sacred sound of creation in action!
The second aspect that appealed to me in the technique was the picturing of that which you are manifesting from the third eye. It was only when I had pictured all the aspects of the ‘house of my dreams’, letting go of what my logical mind thought was possible, that it had become a reality. Thirdly, using the chakra system of the body was an integral part of the practise – drawing energy up from the root chakra to the third eye with the in-breath, and then projecting a picture of what you’re manifesting out from the third eye with the out-breath and the chant AAAAH.
I started practising immediately! At first I tried to follow all the instructions that were given – to chant AH for twenty minutes at sunrise; first loud, then softly, then silently – and to chant OM at sunset, in the form of a gratitude meditation - but as usual I found it difficult to stick to the rules. I only enjoyed chanting loudly, maybe because I’m a Leo and I like to roar! In addition, because I already practised being in gratitude on a daily basis from Louise Hay’s teachings, I didn’t do the OM meditation as often as I did the AH.
When I subsequently came across a ‘Lunar Manifestation’ technique in Barbara Hand Clow’s channelled book ‘The Pleiadian Agenda’, I decided to combine Guruji’s meditation with the one outlined in the book. It consisted of making a list of seven things that you wished to manifest, picturing each thing clearly, and then placing that image into your Medulla Oblongata at the base of your brain. When you succeeded in manifesting something on your list, you replaced it with a new one. I developed a practise where I would read an affirmation for the first thing on my list out loud, do the chanting and picturing of that thing from my third eye, and finally place the image in that part of my brain before going onto the next thing on my list.
From the very first time I did the AAAAAH meditation wonderful things started happening. The instant affect of the chanting while visualising myself having already manifested all my greatest dreams, instantly put me in a great mood! The idea was to stimulate the feelings that you would experience when you had already achieved your goals, which was the most effective way I had ever encountered of ‘raising my vibration’. No matter what frame of mind I’d been in before, I moved into the feelings of optimism and excited anticipation when I started chanting.
In addition, picturing myself doing the things I wanted to do automatically spurred me on to start doing those things! I had just started writing my first book - a spiritual fiction adventure aimed at older children. As I pictured the lines of Light that would radiate out from the book, awakening both the children and parents who read it, I would be inspired to sit right down and start writing! It dissolved any insecurity from my ego mind around being a writer, and motivated me to get on with it.
The process of writing down the seven desires and then picturing them also helped me to re-evaluate what was really important to me. Sometimes I found myself crossing off an item on my list as I was shown why it was not for my highest good. I was also given visions while chanting about what was blocking something from coming into my life. After a while I realised that this was another way of receiving insights from my guides, often about questions that I wouldn’t have thought to ask them.
My new manifesting courses were mind-blowing. I taught the combined Guruji-Lunar technique plus the principles of manifesting, and I watched open-mouthed as some of my students started manifesting things on their list like magic. Some of these manifestations came from the practise sessions we did on the one-day course, without any further effort on their parts!
Through my teaching I learned that grasping the principles of how the universe operated in the manifesting process was even more important than the technique that you used. First and foremost was the understanding that only when we know one hundred percent that we are worthy of having something are we able to have it. That means letting go of self-criticism and feelings of unworthiness. I was astounded at how deep many people’s feeling of unworthiness were seeded – making it a huge challenge for them to even write down their highest dreams and desires.
I taught that being in a state of gratitude is a powerful way to attract more positive into your life. Gratitude is a component of the law of attraction, which underlies all creation – all manifestation in our universe. When you revel in the joy of the gifts you have been given and are given each day, your positive thoughts and emotions underlie those feelings, attracting more positive into your life.
The opposite habit, guaranteed to keep you in a lower vibration in which it is difficult to manifest your dreams, is complaining. It is so accepted in our society to moan about the weather, the government and the state of the world in general that one feels almost rude if one doesn’t join in!
Worrying is another tendency which attracts that which you don’t want. The best definition of worrying I have ever come across is ‘using your imagination to create something you don’t want.’ Many people worry incessantly, anxious about all the difficulties that might arise in their lives or the lives of their loved ones – not understanding that they are literally attracting negativity into their lives as they focus on possible negative outcomes.
I also learned that it is quite easy and common to manifest something in a form which is not the highest version of that thing. This was and is part of the process in my learning and teaching about manifesting – that it is extremely important that what underlies all of your desires in that it is manifest only if and when it is for your highest good and the highest good of all. The fact of the matter is that we often don’t know what is for our highest good. Try the magical affirmation 'I manifest that I am led forward in order to be of the greatest service possible in the Divine plan for Gaia.' And so it is.

Learn this manifesting technique here